Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bringing More Light into Life!

We live in such interesting times, surrounded by mythology and lore that is making its way into the mainstream, and still we are pulled back to the thought processes of a mechanized society, the rational, tangible thinking based in an industrial age of the 18th century. How do we stand on the brink of the change to a new age, bridging what has come before with what lies ahead without having a clear understanding yet of what is to come, without feeling peril or unease?

What may help us navigate through these shifting, changing times is coalescing the many elements of our world and life now, melding mythology with science and bringing understanding of all that's happening around us into our personal lives and our culture. What is happening now, as we feel reverberations of unrest and unease throughout our populace, is an adjustment period to the new energy levels of our Earth, our human bodies, our world as we know it. And these new energy levels are rapidly bringing us forward into our future!

How do the stories of 2012 and the end of time, as told by the Mayans and other distant people, meld with what is happening in space and our very own Earth's shifts, with solar phenomena and our own development as human beings, with our bodies and minds and our technology—our way of life, both cultural and spiritual?

All of these aspects, and more, are like facets of a many-sided diamond, sparkling and shining from an inner truth, beautiful in its formation and magical in its appearance—a delight that has held the attention of people always! And how blessed are we to be living in this time that can be compared to a jewel, a wonder formed of the earth and made crystalline with energetic forces far beyond the matter we see before us?

All of these facets of our life and times really do come together to present us with a cohesive story of who we are and where we are in our development as human beings. And in telling this story that would embody so much of the beauty of ourselves, at this point in space and time, we, the tellers of this magnificent story, are shaping the story itself—adding characters here and expanding the story there, revealing plot twists and ensuring that all of it moves to a beautiful, moving end that really is the beginning of so much more to come.

As we know, Light is the electromagnetic force that is the basis of matter. Light is all that we are, quite literally, and all that we come from. In our hearts, we always know this, and in our hearts, we can always hear this, even without the science that tells us so. As a metaphor and as a spiritual force, Light is also all that is good, and in a Universe that is Oneness, it is also the All!

As we know this Light, and the Oneness from which it comes, we can make sense of what the ancient stories, the prophecies of 2012, were really trying to tell us. And more wondrous than that, we can see how everything happening in space and on Earth shapes this transition long spoken of.

Let's all open our hearts to welcome this growing Light, this Light that literally comes through space and saturates our Earth, that permeates our bodies and raises the electromagnetic energy of our minds! And as we do so, we open ourselves to new potentials, untapped until now.

Just as our human understanding of our planet once shifted dramatically from a flat Earth model to a globe, we are now shifting, perhaps even more dramatically, from our perception of three-dimensional space and time to a multi-dimensional life on Earth!

Evolutionary shifts are most comfortably considered, I'm sure, in retrospect. To be a participant in the times of shift is, of course, much more unsettling, more demanding—and more exhilarating if we are able to grasp enough of what's happening to enjoy the ride! And here we all are, so enjoy we should!

Because all the components of this shift are so fascinating—and there are so many more of them than we even know about yet—I'd like to write about them in a series of posts. And so I will, as I hope to weave together the well-known and the little-known, the expected and the unexpected, in a way that is illuminating and intriguing!

I hope that we are all excited by this new energy as it brings together Earth, man, space, and, of course, the God-force that is the Universe in a way that we haven't understood before! May we cheer each other on in this great adventure—and open our hearts to see Love and Light in everyone and everything along our path!

Wishing many illuminations of the Light to us all!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Embrace All That Life Brings to You, Now!

I wrote this article for the upcoming fall issue of Rick and Beverly Thompson's channeled quarterly newsletter, The Gathering of Angels, available online at Its messages are filled with love, and I highly recommend it!

As we head into fall and then approach another year, we may be feeling the tumultuousness of the past year’s events on a personal level. With so much change, on such a large scale, embodied in the energy of all that’s happening on this earth, we may have been brought through a series of change-points—those clearly demarcated shifts that tell us to move from where we live, to end relationships, to start new careers, and to begin again in small or not-so-small ways—on a most personal level.

As new light shines through us and increases its intensity, both higher energies and residual lower energies hidden in the interstitial spaces, the spaces between the components of our very cells, will be brought forth. And as a spectrum of energetic resonances emerges from each of us, our manifestations, whether in thought-form or physical form, will show us quite
clearly how we have been vibrating on different subjects, whether in the recent or distant past.

Right now for me, the key word in my mind, and a main message from Infinite Intelligence, is a simple and meaningful one: embrace. Embrace who you are, embrace where you are, and embrace the very nature of this life on the physical plane—along with your bravery and willingness to join in the adventure!

The promise behind this message is fascinating, for in embracing your life, you find your triumph! Contrary to what we may believe, our triumph doesn’t lie in the fleeting manifestations that we would call good or bad events in our life. It lies instead in our embrace of allowing energy to flow through us for the sake of bringing Source here to this plane (and, thus, shining outward through the Universe). In our embracing life, we rise to meet our Higher Self and our own divine view of all that we encounter. Our embrace of life lived, through the whole range of human emotions, gives us our transcendence.

And only in the transcendence of our embracing, do we understand God’s view of our world, our beings, our sacrifice to be here. Once we know this transcendent state personally, the miracle of transformation occurs: all that we would call “lower energy” here—sadness, difficulty, struggle, fearfulness, and more—is transmuted into love and joy and beauty, where all of us really live beyond our perception in this third dimension.

May we all embrace all that we are living and have lived! And may we all see and feel the beginning of a new understanding of this life on Earth appearing now above the horizon!

I send my joyful wishes for you today and everyday from my heart! Many blessings to us all, with love and light!

Julie Shanti

Friday, September 25, 2009

Swept Along by the Storm!

Sometimes the storm of life can be frightening and surreal, amazing in its power and a reminder of forces so much larger than we ourselves are. During a summer or fall lightning storm, we may take refuge on a porch or sitting just inside a window as we stare at the sky, catching our breath each time the sky lights up in fiery, electrical flashes. A childlike wonder it is, just like so much of what surrounds us in life.

And when those jolts of sky-whitening power happen close to us, we may jump back at the shock of the noise and power, but we marvel at the fact that those lightning bolts come so close, that they happen right here where we are! It’s still amazing even at this age, isn’t it?

And, of course, it is all happening right where we are! All of life does that, doesn’t it? And as we watch something as immense and as powerful as a lightning bolt crack across the sky right in front of us, we may think of ourselves as the observers. Sometimes that sense of separation between us and the awesome force of nature widens even further, until we feel like a victim, so much smaller than the powerful events around us.

But the magic of this scenario is that we really aren’t separate from the larger forces of events around us. We are truly, in our full essence, an integral part of everything that surrounds us, including something as fearsome as a lightning storm. And that idea—the idea of being one with the fullness of nature and all existence—is where the real electricity comes from!

How many of us get swept along by the currents of the storm around us? I, for one, am in a different town from my own this month, both helping someone and being helped. I wouldn’t have mapped this change out the same way if you’d asked me, and yet, somehow, I did all the same. The lightning that cracks across the sky carried me from one point to another somewhere in the distance. And I know there’s more of that coming!

The electrostatic charge is high, and the storm hasn’t dissipated yet. I know I will move along again, and maybe again after that. And I’ll settle into a nice, new equilibrium, when all of this excess energy around us has been transformed by that lightning bolt, by the power of potential energy, into a quiet, even calm.

What I do know, as I am moving along this lightning-bolt path of change in my own life, is that I am definitely not an observer—I am a participant, shaping and being shaped in this tumbling cascade of events.

What would cause such currents to strike out and slash across a quiet sky in the first place? Tension, an electrical imbalance of energy unused and waiting, asking to be moved. A tremendous firepower of will, an intent larger than just what our physical self observes, would precede such an event, whether here in our own lives, or in the power of nature and its awe-inspiring phenomena.

First comes the word, and then the light, in the act of creation. And in the ensuing rapid exchange of electrical charge that is energy moving, we do bring light into everything we do. As we shape our lives and the world around us, the light that we are creates a spectacular display that anyone who’s willing can appreciate.

And so I ask myself, “What can we do in times like these, especially if circumstances in our life seem to bring us rapidly to new, unforeseen places?” We can, here and now, give it up to God, to the Universe, to the angels we ask to help us, as we allow ourselves to fulfill our life’s purpose in the most magnificent, the most meaningful way possible.

As with a lightning bolt, the changes we are making now are so highly charged that they are alchemical in nature. The energy at its peak is transforming, as fire transmutes a substance at its base essence. Everything that we are going through now is change for the highest spiritual good. What wonders must await us, as the storm clears and frees us to enjoy a clear, new day!

I remind us all, lovingly, of this: embrace who we are, and that we are living, growing, learning beings. That is exactly why each of us is here, and it truly is the apex of human experience. Our transformation really can light up the entire sky, and bring us all to a new calm with more appreciation and understanding of ourselves and our world—as never before!

Blessings to everyone as we find ourselves anew!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Living in the Light—In a New Way!

Well, what a week it is as our world's energy shifts again to a new and even brighter light! Towards the end of last week, I beheld from my home a magnificent rainbow—huge, bright, seemingly solid, and it lasted for hours, literally! I shared the news of this rainbow with people working down the street, and it made our day for all of us! Better yet, we heard report of another amazing one in a different part of the country at the very same time—and I am sure they were appearing everywhere with a message of beauty and hope. Sometimes all we need to do is look up to remember where all hope really comes from!

So along with this rainbow that felt substantial, meaningful, we have shifted into a bright, new energy that I felt distinctly early this week. Radiance filled my rooms and my heart, and I felt reverence as I have for so long before these rumblings of the past year and a half. What is brighter, purer, clearer now is the light itself, the light that is being made so available to us all. And even now, in this moment, we are taking wonderful, new steps into our light-filled future, a new way of life more peaceful and satisfying, more joyful and full, more ethereal in that more of our true qualities—of soul—are evident in ourselves, in our everyday lives, in our interactions with others. How beautiful to have this evolution to look forward to!

What is changing now in regard to the light is our relationship to it. Light itself is the medium, the power, the force that creates in our Universe, creates everything from our own Earth itself to our personal wish of the day. Using Light as the apparent form-maker, the electromagnetic force that is thought emanates from our human minds, the metaphysical mind, God's mind, and becomes what we call form, matter, manifestation. Light is also synonymous with Love, Divine Love, because it can only come from our Source, our Creator. It is where our joy resides; it is where we come from and return to. (And, if for some reason, some departed one lingers here in our realm, it is where we direct them to go, for that release back into Love. We all know this in our hearts, don't we?)

What we are entering into now is a new blueprint for our cosmology, a new map of how the cosmos works within the evolutionary and revolutionary turn of life on Earth. Change has always been a constant on our planet: what is happening in this moment is that we are standing at the brink of it, wading in the first small waves of it, instead of looking back at it in history. And we are blessed, indeed, to be doing so!

Traditionally, we have accepted, in large part, a view of the Universe that places God far above us in the Heavens, a place we know or hope to be wondrous, and we see ourselves as living below, separate from God. When we pray to God or ask the Universe for help, we've felt subject to waiting for answers, often without knowing how long these answers to our prayers would take. Light has always traveled to our planet from the Sun, and as awe-inspiring as that super-fast force is, our earthly existence has seemed to have been defined by the distance between the Sun and here where we live. The Sun is there; we are here. God is above, and we are below.

What radical transformation would there be if this separation from God and the energy of the Sun no longer existed, for ourselves or our Earth? Or would that radical transformation really just be a return to who we really are, who we are in truth throughout eternity? And how wonderful would that world be, for all of us?

So what is the change in our relationship to Light, or God-force? The change is that we are no longer distant from it, no longer waiting for it to reach us from somewhere other than where we are. We are, in fact, becoming more and more like our true selves, our Souls. We are able to hold this Light-force within our very bodies, to emanate it ourselves rather than just receiving it from elsewhere. Our Earth itself, which we know has always reflected the Sun's light back into its own atmosphere, is also evolving to hold more and more of this Light energy.

We and She, Mother Earth, are able to be the Light, more than ever before, as we simultaneously evolve to a higher state of being, a form more natural, or true, to all of us. All of this moving into and being the Light is the result of our gaining a higher consciousness, a purer, faster energy of our minds, a greater clarity about who we are as we live in this world.

And with this ability to be the Light, we are growing in our ability to manifest, as we see teachers teaching people everywhere. If the Light is coming from within us, rather than from without, we are able to create and manifest our lives ourselves—instantly if we allow it—because that manifestation happens at the speed of light.

We are, in fact, rising up to the level of creative control, or mastery, in our lives that we have intended to have all along. And a beautiful thing that is!

And so it is, as we smile at rainbows and feed our own internal Light, the Light that comes from God himself, our Source energy, we bring Heaven here to Earth, here to where we live everyday—not only in our dreams, but also in our actuality!

Love and light to everyone's true being everywhere!


So much more to come in my posts on how our changing Light corresponds to scientific and space events, on our Sun, the 5th Dimension, time, and on no more darkness!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Let Your Heart Show You the Way!

I hope each and every one of you are having a wonderful day, and I thank so many of you who took the time to write to me! It touches my heart to read your personal notes to me! As you read this, I hope you think of the people around you in your life, and that you take a moment to wish them a wonderful day, too! And if you have the opportunity to tell them in words, so much the better!

Undoubtedly, we all have felt the tumultuousness of the past year or so, whether in our own personal world or in the wider world around us. Many of us know why we are going through these phases, and what they are, but what we are called to do now with that knowing is to bring it to as many people as possible throughout the world. And the way to do that is through our hearts, with love!

What we, the world, are doing right now is entering a new age, a new age of expanded consciousness that makes its appearance throughout the writings of great religions and advanced civilizations everywhere. Evolution has always been a part of the process for our Earth and for us as people living here, as well as for every other living being here with us. We as people heartily agree to go along for the ride, growing and changing and coming into new and better ways of being. That's why we came here--even if it's easy to forget that as we feel the turmoil of rapid change and new developments.

What's happening right now on a global scale that is affecting everyone, is that the energy of the earth itself is shifting to a higher frequency--a faster, shorter wavelength that moves with great speed. And all of us, as physical beings who are also composed of energy, have to move with these rising currents into faster and faster vibrations of energy. As we naturally adjust to the higher energy, things will go smoothly in our lives, with the joyful and beautiful unfolding of new aspects of our lives that we've wanted to live, and with a deepening of what we have already loved in our lives.

As the energy rises faster than we adjust to it, though, we will experience the bumps and jolts of the changes, the jarring discomfort and sense of not knowing what is happening, and even fear or despair. And most of us, everywhere, are feeling some of these discomforts in any case--so I ask you to take heart, and to give yourself tremendous credit for joining in the adventure and living life to see what we can bring about!

Just as a person standing at the brink of the 20th century's developments, in their own personal life in their own home in 1900, wouldn't have been able to imagine life as we know it now, so are we now standing at the brink of another great leap in advancements in who we are and how we live in the coming century. And from our simple, personal perspective, we can't quite fathom all that lies ahead--nor are we supposed to. But we can acknowledge that something truly amazing is on the horizon, and that sometimes sudden, impactful shifts and changes are preparing us for new and fast-moving developments in our world. In knowing so, we can turn within and find comfort and peace where it begins, within the energy of the human heart.

And so it is that love is what gets us through these interesting and challenging times! And it is love that essentially binds us together to move into the future. Love itself, divine love, is the Source that surrounds the universe we know here. Love is the essence from which sound and light waves emanate, and it is what created us, what embraces us, and if we listen to its constant and quiet tones, what guides us through this life and welcomes us back to all of eternity when we are done.

Love is the high-frequency vibration of Home, outside our universe, the fastest and purest energy we can know. And love is exactly the companion, the feeling, the energy that adjusts us, as human beings, to the rising energy all around us.

Personally, love is what brings us home to ourselves, to what we truly know within, and love is the energy that unites us with the eternal energy that each of us are, whether we call it our soul, our higher self, our inner being.

Being love is what it means to remember who we truly are.

And so today, I ask you to tap into that not-so-hidden place in your heart, to listen closely to it, and to breathe slowly and deeply to expand it, so that you feel that perfect love for yourself. And as you think of anyone in particular or the world at large, think of them from that centered place of love in your own heart--and it will speed outward to reach many more people than any of us actually encounter!

I want you to know that as we each participate in this feeling, this emotion of love, we each adjust to the higher energies running through us and around us, and in so doing, we bring many others along into that higher energy, as well!

(A quick note to us all: Judgment, whether of self or of others, is the antithesis of love, and it's the quickest and most effective way to counter or block or change the energy of love. So now is the time to release that judgment, starting with ourselves, and to choose compassion, an empathetic quality of love, instead. This release itself will speed our own expansion into the true happiness that we all seek!)

And so, we all have a lot to learn about living this loving way of life--and we have a lot of practice to put into it! But the reward is immeasurable, and it will bring about a quality of life that few have known before. With so much that is new ahead in our own personal developments, our prospects are truly exciting! And with that thought, I open my heart and send that energy out to all, so that it is ever-present for anyone who wishes to receive it!

I hope that my words here reflect that very quality of love to you, and that they help you to shine!

Sending love and light to each of you personally from my heart!


In upcoming posts: We are all going to learn so much more, through these shifts and changes, about energy and the light that we all are, and especially about the fabric that we are all woven into!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Remembering That Our Path Is Always Here for Us!

Isn't is interesting how we can individually--and collectively--take a path through life that sometimes ebbs and flows, that sometimes diverges from what we really love and desire, to take us through episodes that we really don't want to plan for ourselves?

We can chalk it up to our human-ness, to our sometimes-more, or sometimes-less, practiced routine of trying to find rational answers to a flow of life--and energy--that is so much more than rational, so much broader than the confines of reasoned thinking, that it never will fully yield to us all that going to a larger Source, a more universal energy flow, will always give!

Isn't it interesting, speaking for myself, that I know this concept to be true and have even had the opportunity, through choices I've made, to practice it for a number of years on end, and yet I can still, under a certain set of circumstances, make an attempt to fall back on a kind of limited-thinking reasoning that would've been more prominent, though no more desired, quite a number of years ago in my life?

And so it is a gentle reminder, and maybe even a welcome reminder, that we can feel the pull down to an earth-bound thinking even after living a satisfying practice of a more spiritual perspective. And the most wonderful part of the lesson itself is that our own true path, the path we know and love and choose, is still right here for us, nudging us back to it, hoping we hear, and urging us to trust!

Because what we create in this physical world, in the constructs of our mind and habits of thinking, will rise and fall in maya, this illusion that we know as our world. But the spiritual world exists beyond the limitations of our mind and remains constant even as we make our attempts to contain our experience with a mind that may worry, fear, or define answers to problems narrowly in times that may feel less than ideal.

I really love learning this lesson again--especially since I'm finding confirmation that there is always a better way, a healthier solution, a host of generous surprises, if we yield to the Universe and know that we are taken care of in so many ways that we can't count them!

This thought, I note to myself, is exactly what "letting go" means--and why we are meant to do so. Only then can we live according to our true inner guidance--and head back to the brightest joy that we can imagine!

And so it is that I am returning to my writing here, after some temporary work that pulled my attention away--though not my heart--for a short time! Back to my own path, and back to feeling the trust and comfort in a world that is so much more than anything we can see with our physical eyes! I am happy and eager to be filling these pages again, and I'm even more blessed if you enjoy reading them! Thank you, from my very heart!

And so, if the events of the day or the news of the night have temporarily distracted you from your truest path, from the fullness of your being, may I and others help lift you up a little, just enough that you catch a glimpse of something higher. And may you remember who you really are in this or any lifetime, why you are here, and how you want to live!

May we all offer kindness to make such a return to true happiness so much gentler, and so much quicker, than if we are not to encounter kindness.

What is happening now in the world is truly miraculous! We are moving ahead into new times, new understandings of one another, and new energies that will give us all the possibility of a wonderful existence on Earth! I am excited to talk more about energy as we move forward. And remember that as negative energy makes itself known in the world, it's really just a distraction from all the good that is taking shape underneath!

My personal thanks to Amma, from India, and to Doreen Virtue on Hayhouse Radio, for the generous blessings they have given to me this past week. I saw Amma on her yearly trip to Boston and soaked in her radiance as I watched her bless person after person in an all-night program. And Doreen took my call on her radio show--and announced my (underprepared!) website, which brought in viewers from around the world, from Iran to Taiwan to Sweden, as well as from closer to home! Who would've known!

With love for all of you, and excitement at what we all get to build! May you see extraordinary beauty in everything around you!

The brightest of light to you all!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love Every Living Moment! or the Hologram & the Kaleidoscope

As we pass a holiday that celebrates love in its romantic form, we may remember the way in which we really want to live—a life that’s filled with love in every moment, with realization of the wonder and beauty of everything that surrounds us!

And as we remember that wonder and beauty of which every one of us is a part, we may remember who we really are, all of us who fill this planet, in all types of life forms—divine beauty itself, life breathed into form from love itself, through the word and thought.

How, we ask, do we keep this promise to live joyful, loving lives amongst one another? How do we fulfill our highest potential as spiritual beings on the physical plane? And, how on Earth do we do this when so much around us seems to be filled with negative happenings and fear and anger?

I’d like to remind us what the Buddhists and others teach, that each moment in life holds infinite possibilities—many more than we as humans are able to recognize, especially when we may be caught in the drama of life.

To help us remember the awe-inspiring beauty of this universe with as much joy as we intended, we can look at the wonders of the hologram and the kaleidoscope. Both show us in utter simplicity the organization of the universe in space and time, and both remind us of the playfulness inherent in this realm of ours!

We live in a holographic universe, an encoded image on the backdrop of the space-time continuum, that’s created by reflected light. And what we see as life, our perspective on it, depends on the angle at which we view it—whether we hold it unnaturally fixed in one, unmoving position, or whether we move through life allowing a fluid succession of its different elements to create a moving picture of breathtaking beauty!

In this model of our reality, the whole of life, the whole of creation in our universe, is contained within every part of itself. Which means that all light, all divinity, is contained within and reflected by each one of us. Each of us is infinitely connected to one another, every one of us an inseparable part of the whole. And so, all of us here are truly one.

Starting with this overview of an all-encompassing reality, we can then add to our model a vision of ourselves playing with a kaleidoscope—and the youthful delight that comes from doing so! This child’s toy gives us multiple reflections of tiny bits of colored glass, arranged and rearranged in ever-changing patterns—which interplay and change as we ourselves turn the tube, rotating it to find the pattern that we love the most!

We can think of the hologram as space, or physical reality, and the kaleidoscope as time, reflecting the fleeting, ever-changing nature of moving through this life. In a universe specially set up for each one of us in just this way, I can tell you that you are in control of your life. No matter what’s happening around you, you can choose the image and the pattern, the colors and the design, that you see as making up your life and the world around you!

Let joy lead you in your outlook on life, and you’ll find that joy itself can only take you to more joy. Answer with a wholehearted “Yes!” to the question of whether you want to play this game of life so you can enjoy it to the fullest. Look around with reverence, and ask for that joy to remind you that we are all playing the grandest of games, together, on this beautiful planet just made for love!

Blessings to everyone!


Monday, February 9, 2009

The Endless Generosity of Spirit!

So, as we move into 2009 and move with it, we can learn to live in joy even while acknowledging that countercurrents of negative energy are running in streams in all directions, crossing each other and creating swirling whirlpools in which we feel we can get caught.

Since all life, all mass even, is composed of energy, we can approach such vortexes of confusing streams of thought energetically—and in so doing, triumph over what influences may surround us!

Joy and well-being are on the opposite end of the energy and thought spectrum as fear, and I’m sure we’ve all gotten caught in that downside of energy at some point in life. The really great news is that we can move to a more joyful experience of life even as events and mass thought currents would seem to exclaim otherwise.

If we quiet the voices of fear, then balance will return—because balance is always our natural state!

If each and every one of us can embody this wisdom, we ourselves can affect a larger change back to balance and stability—with peace and prosperity spreading for all to enjoy!

Even right now, some people are finding profit and benefiting amidst the economic downturn. And others know that this is their time to plant new seeds of personal change, to start businesses and organizations with new bases of philosophy, ethics, and principles of community.

And so, life as we know it is regenerating itself from the breakdown of some of the old principles—mistaken, misguided, or misbegotten—and as cataclysmic as it may seem in the moment, soon we will behold beauty in many new forms!

It does matter what we each do. And it does help. Remembering this truth, we can ourselves “be that change that we wish to see in this world.” Our own personal change in energy radiates outward, affecting positive change in everyone we touch, and even those beyond our personal reach!

Right now, the energy that we each generate individually can and will become the larger cycle. At critical mass, the energy of society at large will tip back to the positive—because it can’t not do that.

The first thing to do to turn to the positive is to turn inward. By listening to that deep inner voice that speaks to us of the source of our happiness, we receive the gift of knowing what life is really about —and remembering how it all truly works.

As we do so, spirit give us its greatest gift of all, the gift of love, and of love’s endless generosity, boundless in form, infinite in its existence. Wrap yourself in this love, and let the voices of internal chatter and the noise of external clatter fall away until you find your peace. At that moment, give thanks and feel your appreciation spreading as far and wide as you can imagine, touching everyone everywhere.

I extend this generosity to you, and I know that you also feel generous toward everyone you encounter. Hold everyone’s well-being in your thoughts, and be happy for the springtime that is approaching!

Joy is on the way!

Love & light to you all,


Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy New Energy Year!

I’m writing to say hello and to kick-off my blog here with happy observations about our first weeks of 2009!

To be sure, we are in the midst of great changes on every level – personal, national, global – and in all spheres, from spiritual to the material, in every way that we live our lives.

The good news is that the change that comes with this heightening of energies, albeit not so easy to adjust to, perhaps, is positive! And the signs of that are all around us!

Most of all, I’d like to give thanks to that wondrous occurrence on the Hudson, just before the inauguration. As a plane landed safely on the river, people climbed out alive and well, and appeared to the rest of us to walk on water!

The gorgeous pictures of these blessed people who got to return to their families and friends that day, though not by the route they would’ve thought, evoked emotion everywhere – including the nightly news! For several days afterward, the most prominent story on the airwaves was this one of being saved, an event that seemed beyond any outward recognition that such a happy ending could occur!

And the gift of their safe return was multiplied endlessly for the rest of us as it shifted the news of the day from all that has been happening for too many months to count now to something new and awe-inspiring…

What did not go unnoticed by me was the location of this miracle – right where negative energy has made its mark over the last eight years, the area that has been the focal point of violence done from without, on 9/11, and damage done from within, in the heart of our own financial community.

Even as the news fades and the images leave the forefront of our imagination, keep the gift so lovingly given to us: we’re all in for a safe landing. Forces higher than ourselves are here for us, guiding us to where we need to be, and reminding us happily that things we do not think are possible do happen even in the most trying of moments.

The timing of this extraordinary event, which coincided with the timing of a change in administration here in the U.S., gives us a very clear message: look ahead, look at the miracle of right now, and wonder at the miraculousness of it all! The more we are able to embody this lesson, this gift, of marveling in the now, the more all of our lives reflect that gift!

I believe we have much to look forward to, even as many of our old ideas fall away, as we build new times with new energies, working together as one, with renewed understanding of one another and our purpose here. And always, remembering to give thanks.

I wish healing to each and every wonderful person on that plane, and much joy in the days and years to come. And l give thanks to all who bring light into this world of ours, light that shines radiantly through any of the other dark deeds and days that we may have been having thus far.

Looking forward, with love and light for all!
